Springtime in Auburn, Georgia is something to see, especially at Oompaul.com headquarters. Just beyond the gates and about 60 or so miles into the compound, you can begin to smell that familiar scent of the tinned tobacco fields. The hybrid tinned tobacco plant varieties you'll find here grow pre made blends originally orchestrated by the greatest blenders the world over. Of course, it's not harvest time yet. These tinned beauties are still growing and won't be ripe until late October, but even now, they sure smell good. 

The pipe trees are starting to really show the beginning of their pre-bloom bulbs also known as pipe socks. These socks, once fully mature, will eventually hide a lovely pipe inside ready to harvest. If one doesn't pick the pipe socks at the right time, one could end up with a draft hole that's too small or a thin wall that could cause a burned out hot spot. Each of these hybrid pipe trees grows a number of different name brand pipes. Our chemists and botanists work very closely with the original pipe artisans to ensure that these pipes match their original specifications. With spring in such obvious full bloom, it's no surprise that Oompaul.com is growing and changing. 

—Olie Sylvester 
Baron, International Oom Paul Society of Non-Typicals

AuthorOlie Sylvester